Top Tips for Trading Stock CFDs

We are constantly bombarded with advertisements on the advantages of trading CFDs. Whether online or offline, you will find hundreds of websites offering to provide information on how to start your ‘CFD journey’. But is this correct? What does CFD trading entail? How can they help you in your day-to-day life as a trader?

First of all, let’s understand what CFDs are. They are contracts that allow the speculators to trade in shares without buying them directly. It’s possible because you are merely taking an obligation to buy or sell stocks at a specific price when you enter into a CFD transaction. Any profit or loss made from this transaction will be bound to the selling and buying prices difference.

Suppose you look at it from a strict point of view. In that case, CFDs are nothing but a derivative instrument used by traders who want to speculate on the price movement of an underlying asset without physically owning it. In simple terms, when you buy or sell a CFD, you only have to pay a small margin on your position. This reduced requirement for initial capital makes trading CFDs one of the most popular forms of secondary market speculation across the world. Due to this wide availability of the instrument and its popularity among several investors, many brokers offer online and offline services that enable clients to trade CFDs. Saxo Bank is an excellent example of one of these brokers.

CFDs are Not For Beginners

Many people, even some experienced investors, jump into CFD trading thinking it is similar to stocks. However, several differences between the two different sets of instruments need to be understood before investing via CFDs. For example, unlike shares, CFDs do not grant you any share in the company’s assets or earnings. It does not grant you voting rights either. Due to these reasons, you should avoid taking up CFD trading as a ‘get rich quick scheme’.

Risk Management

The first step towards successful CFD trading is risk management. It is a must that you manage your risk. You have to understand the market and its movements well before putting any funds into trading. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, so if you want to make money from CFDs, you must work hard to analyse the markets and their trends and use them to make informed choices.

When it comes to stock CFDs, they should only be used as a tool in your armoury to diversify your investment portfolio.

What Are my Goals?

Like in conventional trading, you need to know how much money you want to earn and your risk appetite before actually investing. For example, if you are using CFDs to reduce your current portfolio volatility, then use the tool only in the way it is meant to be used. Similarly, understand that there will be periods when you could lose all of your capital. You should ask yourself if this factor isn’t too stressful for you so that you can figure out whether this kind of investment suits your ‘risk appetite’.

Online or Offline?

An increasing number of brokers offer both online and offline services that enable clients to trade CFDs. If, however, you do not have a broker and wish to invest in CFDs, several portals offer advice and information regarding the instrument to potential investors.

In Closing

There is a lot more to CFD trading than simply buying or selling shares. Understanding the UK market and making use of all the available resources is essential for successful trading. Trading Stock CFDs is beneficial to investors because an investment through CFDs reduces investment capital significantly compared to purchasing an actual stock. To become successful when investing through CFDs, traders must study various resources such as online material and offline guides to make proper investment choices when using this instrument.