What to Know When Your Pet Needs Emergency Veterinary Care in Kitchener

Situations that require emergency veterinary care can occur at any time. As a pet parent, you need to be prepared for these situations. Knowing when your pets need a Kitchener emergency vet can be hard. This is the reason you must be aware of the common signs and symptoms that tell you it’s time to seek emergency vet care. Your pet may be experiencing an emergency if it cannot walk, has dilated pupils, has painful, swollen, or bloated abdomen, has open wounds or broken bones, is experiencing seizures, is unconscious, and has a serious injury. Also, if your pet has ingested poisonous foods or foreign objects, take them to a vet urgently. 

Performing Basic First Aid

Knowing how to do first aid on your pet is essential; however, this doesn’t replace the importance of proper vet care. You must use first aid to stabilize your pet for a trip to a vet. 

  • Help stop bleeding. Put a clean gauze paid over your pet’s injury, applying pressure using your hands for a few minutes until blood clotting starts.  If your pet has serious leg bleeding, you need to secure it with a tourniquet of gauze that has an elastic band. Bring the pet to an emergency vet clinic right away for care. 
  • Dealing with a pet seizure. If your pet is having a seizure, never try to restrain it. Rather, get rid of objects nearby that may hurt your beloved pet. After the seizure, keep the dog or cat warm and contact your vet for advice. If the seizures recur or if one seizure lasts for at least three minutes, your pet needs urgent care. 
  • Dealing with choking. If your pet is choking, be cautious while you try to help it as it may bite you out of panic. Carefully open its mouth and check for objects. Remove the object you can find, ensuring you do not push it further into the threat of your pet. If you cannot remove the object, transport your dog or cat to your vet’s office right away or go to an emergency vet clinic. 

Things to Know Beforehand

Emergencies happen unexpectedly, so it is best to be prepared for pet emergencies. This way, you can give your pet the best care they need as quickly as possible. Make sure to keep the phone number of your vet, the nearest emergency vet clinic, or the Animal Poison Control Center. Also, it is important to have a muzzle that fits your pet and ensure you know how to properly use it. Knowing pet CPR is a good idea.