Ventilation Duct Cleaning – A Short Case Study

In this age of vertical buildings and skyscrapers, breathing fresh air in your workplace is a distant dream. The best you can hope for is your ventilation system to work properly and give out quality air. But for that, the ventilation ducts should be cleaned at regular intervals.

But not just cleaning it is sufficient. Getting your ventilation ducts cleaned by professional cleaning companies like Nettoyeurs Provincial de Conduits d’Air is essential to ensure the proper functioning of your ventilation system.

The following steps should be followed when cleaning the ventilation ducts:

  1. Properly covering the areas around and near the ducts to avoid any spillage/splash is very important.
  2. Using high pressure compressed hot air to splash out molds and bacteria.
  3. Cleaning the interior parts not visible to plain sight by scraping and vacuum suction.
  4. Dusting the fans and compressors to rid them of thick dust
  5. Disinfecting the interiors of the duct to kill bacteria and other microbes that might have developed.

What are the advantages of cleaning your ventilation system and ducts?

The advantages of keeping your ventilations ducts clean are not just limited to the aesthetics of your ceiling, it has many other benefits as well. Some of the benefits of a clean air-ventilation system are as follows:

  • Improved performance of the ventilation system.
  • Improved efficiency of the people working in the ventilated area.
  • Reduced cost of maintenance.
  • Improved air quality.
  • Improved sanitation, safety and security.

The most important reason to clean your ventilation system is that it can help improve the efficiency of people working in the ventilated area. This is because a properly cleaned and dusted ventilation duct will carry clean and hygienic air.

Clean breathing air is the basic necessity to keeping your body and mind sound. A healthy and happy employee will always be more productive than a suffocating one.

It might be true that cleaning of your ventilation ducts by professional companies might turn out to be a little expensive. But looking at the bigger picture, it can be seen that improved maintenance cleaning can actually help reduce the money you spend on repairs and service of your ventilation system.

Depending on the area of ventilation and the geography and atmospheric conditions of the place in which your commercial space is located, the interval of cleaning the ventilation can vary. It should be noted that going without cleaning your ventilation for more than a year is not advisable.

To conclude, it is best to keep your ventilation ducts cleaned by an expert cleaning company to keep your employees and business productive.